
Garingnya sopir angkot :D

Sopir angkot:
“kenapa perempuan sipatnya item?”
Sopir angkot:
“ya kan emang sipat itu item. itu tuh yg di pake di mata. hehe”

Sopir angkot:
“kenapa perempuan pake jilbab?”
Saya:“panggilan hati”
Sopir angkot:
“nggak. soalnya kalo saya yg pake jilbab, ntar diketawainnnn. hehe..”

Huahahahahhhhhhgile bener ni sopir.
Tampang boleh kayak preman
Tapi sepanjang jalan, ngabodooorrr waee!!

Rambut gondrong. Kulit sawo matang
Pakai anting, rokok mengepul
Celana jeans bolong-bolong plus jaket jeans
bener2 tampilan preman!
TapiiiiiHahahahhhhh ternyata ini orang pelawak juga ;p

lumayan pagi2 ada hiburan.
meskipun garing, lumayan deh bisa nyengir:D

[pagi hari di sebuah angkot di Bekasi, 240109]


Tragedi Banjir ;p [lebay]

"Fir, nanti taun depan klo udah dapet jatah cuti, cuti kamu dipotong ya. Udah 2hari kan klo ga salah"ujar salah seorang senior di kantor.

[dalem hati, mikir...jreng..jreng... ya sih uda 2kali g masuk. karna sakit sampe ga bisa bangun n tepar dirumah, n karna kebanjiran masuk rumah. banjirnya jg baru kemaren bgt pas tu orang ngomong gt. kejam amat. kpala ini masi puyeng beberes bekas banjir, udah diserang gituh di kantor]..

oh oh dunia, orang kena musibah kebanjiran malah diserang dengan pernyataan seperti itu, pagi2. baru sampe kantor. dimana perasaan Anda, Nyonya????!!!! ga liat apa kantong mata sayah masih bengkak kurang tidur?!!! - semalaman begadang menyelamatkan barang2 supaya ga kena air bah, tidur bareng nyamuk-nyamuk yg mungkin membawa macam2 virus, dan seharian bersihin lumpur sisa banjir di dalam rumah.

Tapi di lubuk hati yg terdalam akuwh bersyukur.dibalik musibah ini, Allah SWT pun masih membuka mata sayabahwa tetap saja dunia ini tak akan pernah sepi dari orang2yg punya hobi unik,yakni :

senang mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain.

Baiklah, terimakasih ANda sudah sangat-sangat memperhatikan setiap hal yang ada dalam diri saya.Terimakasih karna ANda begitu perhatiannya dengan detil setiap gerak-gerik langkah saya yang menurut Anda salah, dan anda begitu cepat menemukan sekecil apapun kesalahan orang lain [klo sakit dan kebanjiran itu merupakan sebuah kesalahan - bagi Anda!]


The Definitive Book of Body Language

I knew this book from my lecturer when I was in university.
He gave me this book [July, 2007] to helped me complete my thesis literature :
"The Representation of Domestic Violance in Cerita Pagi Program at Trans TV"
- use Roland Barthes Semiotics Analytical method... -> Thanks to Mr.Dandi for the inspiring book.

The first time I read the book, I'm absolutely 'in love' with this book.
Allan & Barbara explain about body language in a very simple way.
We can easily understand what they mean.

The body language is not only about "what you see" from the people talked to you,
but also "what is the meaning behind it"!

It's not about "What people said to you",
but also "HOW they told it to you".

It's about "THE WAY" they talked to you.

In this book, you will see the definitions&the deepest meaning about:
body positions, gestures, body language, including hands positions,
face& eyes meaning, kind of shake hands meaning, kind of smile meaning,
etc..etc..... almost complete.

I like this quote:
"It's How you looked when you said it, not what you actually said"
Nice quote.

Allan & Barbara also mentioned that the total impact of a message is about 7% verbal [words only] and 38% vocal [including tone of voice, inflection, & other sounds] and 55% NONVERBAL.
What an amazing statement.

The other nice quote [it show us that women is more sensitive than man]:
"When a person's words and body language are in conflict, women ignore what is said"

Yes ofcourse we're all know, that you won't believe someone who said
"I agree with you" but the other side, they told it to you with "I DON'T CARE" nonverbal gesture!!! Am I right? Let me know if you disagree with me ;p

Which one will you believe:
nonverbal gesture, or verbal sentence.

For me, I prefer believe WHAT I SEE, than WHAT I HEAR.
I Prefer believe my eyes than my ears!